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Stock Market Investing vs Trading vs Gambling

The stock market is a place of least resistance to entry. In any other field e.g. doctor, engineer, CA, etc. you have to go through years of academics and exams, while the stock market is an easy entry to everyone, you just need a few hundred rupees to pay for account opening fees and you are good to go; earn thousands to lacks every day.  Seems really attractive, right? but don't fall for it, that is the trick why 90-95% of people lose money into the stock market, they look at it as a way to easy money and quick riches.  The industry is filled with so much false marketing that a lot of people don't even know what they are doing. While they exclaim that they are investing or trading in reality they are gambling. This article is to help you guys analyze what you are doing and what should be the path ahead. Stock Market Investing: Though we call it stock market investing or share market investing very few people understand and deal with it as a partnership in a company. If you ar

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